There’s nothing more important than to properly put away your items in storage. If you do so you can assure that they will be kept safely. For that reason, it’s crucial to find the right type and size of storage units for you. Thankfully, we at Fit 2 Move have the best quality storage units that come in different shapes and sizes. But how do you pick the right size storage unit? Here are just some ways that will help you out with that.
Make in inventory before you pick the right size storage unit
If you’re moving or putting things away in storage, it’s not a bad idea to make an inventory. It will give you a good idea of what you have around your home and what you’ve been using. On the other hand, it’s a great tool to declutter. This is one of the first things you need to do when moving to NH to make your whole process easier. But also it can give you a good idea of just how much storage space you’ll really need when it’s time to put everything into storage. That’s why it’s a good idea to take pen and paper and start writing down all the items that you have around your home.

What are the sizes of your standard storage units?
Depending on how much stuff you want to put into storage, the size of the unit will vary. Of course, there are half-a-dozen types of storage units that can easily fit all your needs when it comes to this. It doesn’t matter if it’s short term storage or you want to keep items there for a longer period of time. In the end, what’s more important, is the fact that you have storage units available from sizes that are almost as small as a walk-in closet to storage that could easily fit your car and then some. Here are some examples of standard storage units:
- 5×5
- 5×10
- 5×15
- 10×10
- 10×15
- 10×20
- 10×25
- 10×30
Picking a bigger unit is never a bad option
When picking a storage unit, if in doubt, always make sure to use a bigger one. The price won’t range that much if you have a set budget. However, it’s so much better than renting one storage unit and then having to rent another one for items that couldn’t fit the previous one. That’s why our local movers NH always use bigger trucks as they want to have more space for some emergency changes. Going big in this case won’t be such a hassle and you will have more space to maneuver.
Pay a visit to the facility and take a look at the storage units yourself
There’s no piece of information that can substitute for you going to a facility and checking out storage units. By doing so, you will have more than enough of an idea of what type of facility it is and what it offers to you. Will they have all the sizes that you need? Will they keep all your items out of harm’s way? Make sure to get all the questions to all the answers that you might have on your storage company. By doing so you ensure quality at every moment. And of course, it will give you a better idea of what can actually fit in your unit.

Before you pick the right size storage unit measure everything that you’ll be storing
It’s never a bad time to start measuring your items. Not only for storage purposes but also to make sure they are moved easier. Do you have a big piano? any other type of furniture that is robust? don’t waste time and make sure that you have an exact measurement. This will tremendously help you find the right type of storage unit. The bigger your needs are the bigger your storage unit needs to be. It’s as simple as that. making sure that you successfully store away items is crucial and to avoid wasting space or being in a problem, it’s always good to take measurements of your items.
Vertical space is your friend when you need to store away items
One of your biggest allies, when it comes to storage, is vertical space. By using the verticality of the storage unit, which is not to be ignored, you can fit so much more stuff in it. However small your unit might be, with the right approach and staking your items carefully, you can fit almost double the items into your smallest storage unit available with companies. This is a big hack for any type of small storage unit. Make sure to use it and save a lot of effort and money.
Let your storage company help you pick the right size storage unit
Who better to help you pick storage than the company itself? They know how to pick the right size storage unit for you without a problem. Above all, they are the experts. For that reason, it’s not a bad idea to list all the items that you have. With a BBB-approved storage company, everything gets done easier. The friendly agent will surely refer you to the movers that will help you choose the right unit. by using their help you will be able to save a lot of time looking for the best option for you.

Searching for the right storage unit can be troublesome at times. However, if you really want to store your items, you want to have the best conditions for them. That’s why it’s important to know how to pick the right size storage unit. By following our advice, we’re sure that you won’t come across many problems in doing so. The more items you have the more you’ll have to worry about certain dimensions. In the end, we’re sure that you’ll manage with all the information we prepared for you.