Move-in cleaning is a must whether you are renting or buying a new home. People who lived there before you probably left behind some dirt, grime, and dust. Unless you’ve recently moved into a fresh new home, that blank slate isn’t as blank as it appears. Cleaning the house before you move in is good because you won’t have to deal with boxes and bags all around. Moving to Somersworth may seem hard at first, but with the help of some extra hands, this should be easier. Moving companies NH is a great choice for you. Why waste your time and energy on deep cleaning, when you can use them to relax and prepare for the greatest adventure of your life. You can use several tips to make your place shiny and fresh. Read on to learn how to deep clean a new home after moving to Somersworth.
Make sure to clean the top before you clean the floors
Dust does not keep only on the floors and counters. Ceiling fans, overhead lighting fixtures, and other elements near the ceiling are equally filthy. This is because we don’t clean them very often. And when we do, they splatter dirt and dust onto the space below them. Always start cleaning the top, and work your way down, to avoid cleaning the floor twice. Ceiling fan blades are notorious for blowing dust about. To reduce collateral damage, you can try slipping an old pillowcase over each blade. Most of the escaping dust will accumulate in the case, which you can discard after you finish. If all this sounds too hard, you may want to hire movers Somersworth NH. We offer amazing storage services for all the things that you don’t need while cleaning. Our storage facilities are all clean, secure, and equipped with a variety of features.

Clean the fridge first if you want to deep clean a new home after moving to Somersworth
You can put off some chores while you get everything cleaned. However, perishable food is not one of them. When you deep clean, you will get hungry. While you are moving to NH you will probably bring some food and snacks with you, but you need a place to keep them. Start by disinfecting your new refrigerator before you do anything else. If there is no food in it, it shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes. If possible, remove the shelves and drawers, and clean them separately. Make a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar, and clean the inside of the fridge. As a result, your new fridge will be ready and disinfected. Moreover, if there are any other stains to remove, use a dry rag and repeat the process. You can do the same procedure when cleaning the freezer. If you want more advice on how to clean your devices, get in touch with professionals. We are happy to provide you with the following:
- Info about movers
- Moving services and contract details
- Safety measures
- Moving budget
- Chores, responsibilities, and errands you must do before moving
- Legalities and personal documents

As much as you are annoyed with the dirty floors, clean them last
You began at the top, so finish with the bottom. Clean the corners and edges of wood or linoleum with a vacuum attachment. After that, pick up the remaining debris. Don’t vacuum the entire surface, unless you have a specially designed cleaner for that. A steam cleaner is recommended for carpet cleaning. If you don’t have one, ask someone to borrow it for you, or even better, contact a professional mover and ask about their in home moving and cleaning services. We can help you renovate, stage, or remodel your new home. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your items. They will be perfectly safe and cleaned with our professional equipment. All our devices will remove allergens, and improve the air quality of your furniture. Furthermore, stains on your sofa or bed will become part of the past. All you need to do is relax, and let us do the rest.

Bathroom and kitchen are the hardest to deep clean
This is because there are so many elements in these rooms. Apart from big devices, there are utensils, small kitchen elements, and sharp things that are difficult to clean. If you have already cleaned the refrigerator, now you can move on to the oven, microwave, stove and stovetop, dishwasher, and sink. When you finish with all the big things, you can continue with dishes, cutlery, and perishable food. On the other hand, cleaning the bathroom is much about disinfecting. Use special chemicals and antibacterial spray, to kill all the germs. If you have trouble removing hard water stains, you can use the acid from the fresh lemon. With all of these tricks, deep cleaning the kitchen and bathroom shouldn’t be a daunting task.
Final thoughts
People are happy to move to a new home. You finally have the chance to arrange your dream house. However, deep cleaning a new home after moving to Somersworth is a hard thing to do. You need to do a lot of scrubbing, dusting, and vacuuming. If you want to finish faster, follow some useful advice.
Always start with the ceiling. You don’t want extra dust on a clean floor after you finish everything. Next, clean the refrigerator or a freezer, so you can store all the food you have with you. When you finish with the big things, you can clean and arrange the small ones. You started with the ceiling, so you should finish with the floors. Don’t vacuum and mop the floor until you complete the cleaning. This will only result in having to clean again and repeating the same task. No one likes cleaning, that is for sure. But if you follow these tips, you will figure out how to deep clean a new home after moving to Somersworth with ease!